Get Inspired: Yoga for Creativity

2020-06-19 Get Inspired: Yoga for Creativity - 2

In our latest live yoga class we went poolside moving through the water element chakra, Svadhisthana. Svadhisthana is the second chakra and lies in the area of the pubic bone.

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In order to help balance this chakra the first chakra has to be balanced, as it is the base for all of the seven chakras. This practice will combine the flowing hip openers of second chakra with the foundational grounding poses of the first chakra. 

The Svadhisthana chakra is related to our creativity, and sexuality. 

When the Svadhisthana Chakra is not balanced we may experience a lack of inspiration, and glom onto our vices or addictions.

Moving through the hips can help us unlock pent up emotion and creativity. Maybe there is a book you have wanted to start writing, or a room you want to rearrange.

Svadhisthana will invite the inspiration to flow through you!

Combined with balancing poses, this practice will help you feel secure to explore your creativity and self expression.

Props will be very useful in this practice. 

Have a yoga block handy for our half moon pose. 

While the hips are open we take a chance in the challenging crow pose. This is a great spot to really listen and tune into the body. 

Enjoy this video anytime you want and be sure to join us live next Wednesday, 10 am on our beintheworldyoga Facebook page.

2020-06-19 Yoga for Creativity - Pin 1
2020-06-19 Yoga for Creativity - Pin 3
2020-06-19 Yoga for Creativity - Pin 2

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20 thoughts on “Get Inspired: Yoga for Creativity

  1. This is so intriguing to think about doing poolside! I have been doing yoga for about 3 yrs., but haven’t ever taken my mat poolside. May have to try!

  2. Ooh, I haven’t thought of using yoga for creativity and I’m a creative professional. It definitely clears my head. I’m going to have to test it with this goal in mind.

  3. The results of this are very cool. I think this could do me some good right now with my lack of inspiration.

  4. I love doing my yoga routine and doing yoga besides the pool is really good. You can breathe fresh air too.

  5. Yoga is really very amazing and helpful exercise..Thanks for sharing this..Yoga is much important for everyone and everyone should do too..Loved this…Great work..

  6. I have to admit, I never even thought of doing yoga to boost your creativity but it totally makes sense. I also liked learning more about chakras since they represent the physical and emotional state of the body. If they aren’t balanced I imagine they can wreak havoc on your emotional state. I love the video too because I’m a visual learner so I would need to see how to do these poses correctly. It actually makes me want to start learning yoga now!

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