Energy breeds energy: Energizing Your Stagnant Body with a Free Yoga Class (Recorded Live on Facebook)

Facebook Live Yoga

Has anyone else learned what staying home for three weeks is doing to their body! I have!  And news flash, I don’t think I would cut it as a vampire. 

Talk about stagnant energy! 

Our bodies are meant to move, to circulate blood and breath fresh oxygen into our lungs! 

I’m not one of those people who feels like a jog outside the house is worth the risk of the unknown. Call me chicken. 

However, I did start to notice that I am a person that needs my body moving to undo stuck energy. 

Need to Move

So you know what I did? I ran around my apartment! That’s right, like a doof. I ran in and out of rooms with a big smile on my face!

And guess what, it felt awesome!! 

My blood started moving again yo!

But here’s the thing. Energy breeds energy and a lot of us are losing our inspiration. 

Netflix and chill has taken on a new meaning.

Our Lives…Right Now

I keep hearing so many comments about looking towards the future. My friends, we can’t just rip this these days of our lives out like a page in a book. We can’t just wait around for joy to happen, for future plans to happen. This is what’s happening. This is life right now and it’s ok. Yes, we are all in this together. 

So start getting creative. Draw a picture, mediate, pick up a hubby, write a poem, sing, learn how to play that instrument sitting in the corner. Youtube is our best friend right now! You can learn so many things for free! Like yoga with me. (Wink, wink).  

Get Active

But get active in your life. Don’t worry that you can’t go outside. Learn more about yourself. 

Who are you? What makes you tick? 

Recently I started learning sign language and belly dancing. Am I great at these things? NO.

 Is it my calling? Probably not. But hey, I’m having fun with them! 

And I feel like fun is a good use of my time!

Now Getting Back to Yoga

I created this class for us to open our bodies and help it move the stagnant energy. We did this class Live on a Facebook and we had some of my favorite attendees. If you Like our beintheworldyoga Facebook page you can join us next Wednesday Live at 10 AM.

Some of the comments that I got were “thank you so much for this class because it was just what I needed, nice and easy.” 

This class isn’t our usual get up and move style yoga class considering that we haven’t been doing much moving lately I didn’t want to shock our systems.

This is a class that is geared towards everyone.

It’s beginner friendly, so don’t be shy if you’ve never done yoga before. You can do this.

And guess what, you’re going to feel awesome afterwards!  

So come join me now for this class, get your body moving, get your breath moving and have fun!

Namaste beautiful peeps!

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27 thoughts on “Energy breeds energy: Energizing Your Stagnant Body with a Free Yoga Class (Recorded Live on Facebook)

  1. At this time, exercise is the way to go especially now that almost everyone are indoors and outdoor activities are very limited to none at all; I have started following classes as well

  2. This is what I need, as everybody is oblige to stay at home for a certain period of time or I may say until this covid-19 is over. A big help to boost and uplift our spirit on this trouble times we’re in. Thanks for sharing this to us.

  3. YES! I totally agree with ENERGY BREEDS ENERGY! This is why I work out every day for 2+ hours!!! 😀 Love that you’re offering these yoga classes!

  4. I love the title of this piece with the goal being to move around stagnant energy through yoga. Watching it online so motivating.

  5. Thanks for recording this. I will definitely take a look, I need some form of exercise to help me loosen up my body, it’s been to long since I did a proper workout.

  6. Now that I have to stay the whole day at home, I have been trying new things and one of them is yoga. So this post and video are so helpful for me!! Thank you for sharing!!

  7. This is awesome! I just liked your page so I can join this Wednesday! It’s so true that “energy breeds energy.” Laying on the couch all day totally zaps me. Thanks for sharing!

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